Welcome to the online home of the PMAPWU.
The Pittsburgh Metro Area Postal Workers Union was granted
an AFL-CIO Charter on August 1, 1975. We currently represent 2,000 bargaining unit employees in the USPS Clerk,
Maintenance, and Motor Vehicle Service Crafts.
We are the largest local in Pennsylvania, and the 12th largest in the country, and are over 90% organized.
You can get all the details on our About Us page.
USPS Offices under our jurisdiction include the Pittsburgh Processing and Distribution Center,
Bulk Mail Center, and the Logistics and Distribution Center.
We also represent the Pittsburgh, PA Stations and Branches and over two-hundred-and-fifty Associate Offices.
Our jurisdiction spreads to the New York, West Virginia, and Ohio borders and eastward to Route 219 and beyond. Our list of offices continues to grow as Member-At-Large Offices merge with PMAPWU.
In addition, PMAPWU has an officer that provides
representation for Pennsylvania Postal Workers Union (PPWU)
offices in Western Pennsylvania.
Read more about our union...